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Opt-in Confirmation. Permission to send SMS and MMS Messages
By clicking the "Subscribe" button on the webform, I provide my consent to receive recurring informational SMS or MMS messages from Explainingfinance. This program is administered by and will send notifications related to financial news, updates on the economy, financial trends, fintech, and investment news. Standard messaging rates apply, and this service is available on multiple carriers, including US Cellular, AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile®, Sprint, Boost, MetroPCS, Verizon Wireless, and Virgin Mobile. Message and data rates may apply. Carriers are not responsible for any delayed or undelivered messages. Message frequency may vary. To discontinue your subscription, simply text STOP, END, QUIT, CANCEL, or UNSUBSCRIBE. If you need assistance, text HELP or email [email protected]. The service will continue until canceled by the customer.