3 Reasons Sustainable Investing Is Critical

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There’s a cartoon I reference often – usually when I’m giving talks on sustainable investing. It’s an illustration of a man in a torn-up business suit, in what appears to be a post-apocalyptic setting. He’s sitting around the campfire with three children and saying, “Yes, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time, we created a lot of value for shareholders.”

The reality is that we need to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions to be as close to zero as possible well before the year 2050, otherwise, this cartoon will become a reality. One of the simplest ways you can do your part is by investing responsibly. Continue reading for three reasons why sustainable investing is critical.

1. We cannot continue business as usual

The example above is the reality of the business-as-usual paradigm and why I have dedicated my career to helping investors transform their portfolios to be more earth-friendly and socially responsible. We need to open our eyes and realize that we cannot continue to pollute our air and water, deplete our limited resources, treat people as commodities, and still leave a thriving world for our children and grandchildren.

Unfortunately, the climate change train has already left the station. We have already begun to experience intensified storms, droughts, and wildfires that are linked to a warming world. We must change the way we do business, and a good part of that is changing the way we invest. Divest from fossil fuels and instead buy renewable energy companies. Invest in an electrified economy from induction ranges to electric vehicles to heating and air conditioning. And this shift should be viewed as an opportunity and not an imposition of a particular value set. It’s what we need to do to address the existential crisis that is climate change.

2. There are opportunities for growth

Investing sustainably means investing in the next economy. Traditional investments and indexes invest in where the economy has been — what I call ‘rearview mirror investing.’ Sustainable investing is investing in opportunities to transition the economy to a more sustainable one; one that values precious resources and doesn’t mortgage the future by wasting resources in the present. Sustainable investing is proactively investing in solutions to make the world a better and more resilient place.

3. ESG just doesn’t cut it

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) investing focuses on quantifying these three aspects of a particular company. This is an important part of ‘enhanced due diligence’, and this style of investing has grown tremendously over the past several years. While it is very important to know as much about a company as possible, especially from a fiduciary duty perspective, quantifying this information is not enough.

The big Wall Street investment firms have effectively greenwashed ESG investing. For example, they will take a traditional investment index and layer on ESG metrics and call the portfolio ‘sustainable.’ The reality is that these portfolios aren’t really sustainable, they’re simply a less bad portfolio. In order to make real, lasting change, a portfolio must include solutions, not just a smaller allocation of a big fossil fuel company which is what many of these big funds do. ESG metrics can contribute to the creation of a sustainable portfolio as part of an enhanced due diligence process, but they are not a final portfolio.

Sustainable investing presents a growth opportunity. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, energy transition investments were greater than $1 trillion in 2022. However, in order to meet net zero goals, that amount must triple by 2030 to over $4.5 trillion. Every segment, from renewable energy to sustainable materials to energy storage and hydrogen, is projected to grow. Investors focused on these areas have a great chance to outperform the traditional, rearview mirror economy.

Sustainable investing is critical if we want to avoid the cartoon description above. We’re already behind and becoming more so by the day. Taking a stand and making the decision to begin investing with your values is a step that not only affects change today but also may provide future growth opportunities.

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